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    Our research examines the biomechanics and aerodynamics of movement through terrestrial and aerial environments, in relation to an animal's ...

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    Pigeon Navigation

    Flight Through Cluttered Environments

    Through a collaborative ONR-MURI project with MIT, CMU, Stanford, and NYU, Huai-Ti Lin (former postdoc now at Janelia Farms HHMI), Ivo Ros and I carried out studies of pigeons flying through a virtual forest of vertical PVC poles. This project seeks to understand how pigeons plan and navigate flight paths to avoid obstacles similar to those encountered in their natural environment, helping to achieve more robust real-time control of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) using insights gained from studies of pigeon...
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    Flight Through Narrow Spaces

    Based on the impressive maneuvering performance observed from our artificial forest cluttered flight trials, work by post-doc C. David Williams has asked how pigeons traverse narrow vertical spaces. This work shows that pigeons adopt one of two strategies, wing pause or wing-fold, to negotiate narrow spaces. Interestingly, pigeons shift toward a wing-fold strategy as spacing becomes more narrow. Using a mass-distribution model of the pigeon (Ros et al. PNAS 2011), we found that wing-folding reduces collisional rotational instabilities of the bird by about 18-29%. Wing-pausing used...

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